#0051: Plus one thinking

Matthew Sinclair
4 min readDec 15, 2017
Photo by Alex Iby on Unsplash


A technique that I have found very useful when hiring people to work in startup and venture teams is the idea of “plus one thinking”. This is a simple idea that is really easy to spot when talking to someone in an interview context, and something that I have found to be strongly correlated with high-performing people. When discussing an idea, does the potential candidate or partner find a way to add to the idea, or do they find a way to explain how it might fail?

My anecdotal experience is that people who add with enthusiasm to ideas with phrases like “… and then you could {this}!” or “… and if you do {this}, then {that} can happen!” tend to be much better collaborators in a team environment. People who come up with a string reasons why something won’t work, or find ways to pick holes in something from the start, tend to be the same kind of people that suck all of the oxygen out of the room when a team is trying to be creative.

It’s not that there is never a time to pick holes in an idea — timing is everything. But when you are first working thru a new idea with a group of people, it’s best to build on the idea to see where it goes. Leave the pernickety failure cases until later. Much later.


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Only in (Australia) Essex

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